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Grant Lamontagne

Grant Lamontagne

As the founder of Multitool.org Grant has been a collector of Swiss Army Knives and multitools for over 25 years, and a user for over 40 years. 

With a day job working in the field, either out in the woods or on industrial sites, Grant uses tools every day for all manner of different purposes.

Tuesday, 16 August 2022 11:04

Gerber Cool Tool

GerberCoolTool01Okay, I get it, I talk a lot about cool tools, but this one takes the prize because it is actually called the Cool Tool!

Monday, 15 August 2022 11:53

Victorinox ALOX Cadet

VictorinoxCadet01When it comes to compact, do anything knives that disappear in your pocket and are classy enough to carry at an event, the Victorinox Cadet is a hard model to beat.

Friday, 12 August 2022 11:29

Leatherman Juice KF4

LeathermanJuiceKF401The first of Leatherman's five original Juice models to be discontinued was the KF4- a decision that baffles collectors and users alike.

Thursday, 11 August 2022 11:21

Wenger New Ranger 73

WengerNewRanger7301Is it a knife with pliers, or pliers with a knife?  This New Ranger 73, called the Electrician from Wenger really blurred the lines between a Swiss Army Knife and a multitool!

Wednesday, 10 August 2022 13:45

Spyderco USA SpydeRench

SpydercoSpydeRench01One of the most highly sought after multitools for collectors is this USA made SpydeRench from Spyderco.

Tuesday, 09 August 2022 15:55

Victorinox Olive Pioneer

VictorinoxOlivePioneer01This olive scaled Victorinox Pioneer is part of a limited run of 50 knives produced in 2011.

Monday, 08 August 2022 11:13

Nite Ize Financial Tool

NiteIzeFinancialTool01I'm not a fan of this kind of wallet, but since this is a multitool group I had to give the Finacial Tool from Nite Ize a try.

Friday, 05 August 2022 11:00

Leatherman T-Rex

LeathermanTRex01If you aren't a member of our forum then you may never have seen this fascinating tool from Leatherman, called the T-Rex.

Thursday, 04 August 2022 12:02

Gerber Crucial F.A.S.T.

GerberCrucialFAST01While the Crucial platform may not have been the most successful design for Gerber, this F.A.S.T. version (I think that stands for Folder Assist Spring Technology or something) is arguably the best.

Wednesday, 03 August 2022 12:24

Wenger Ranger 178

WengerRanger17801This Ranger Grip 178 is one of my all time favorite Wenger models, and it's not hard to see why!

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