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Knife Reviews
- Talarurus
Tromping around the Cretaceous period, the Talarurus thrives. Heavily armored, with a club on its tail it was built like a tank. That was 89 million years ago, but this tough thunder lizard still roams today. Enter the Talarurus, a new knife for 2024 from the folks at Vosteed. These guys normally name their products after modern animals, but seems the company is going way back, using dinos for inspiration. Oddly enough, their new Ankylo is really short for ankylosaurus which is in the same family as the Talarurus. Anyways, enough talk about dinosaurs let talk knives.
What kind of people would write collect and review multitools? Quite simple really- we are designers and do-ers, outdoors types and indoor types, mechanics, doctors, problem solvers and problem makers. As such, we have, as a world spanning community, put every type, size and version of multitool, multifunction knife, pocket knife and all related products to every test we could manage in as many places and environments as there are.